BTS Global – Creating a Global Startup & Business Ecosystem
By The Startups Networking Community & Business Accelerator, though a local startup and business community, is glad to associate with global startup and business ecosystem mentors, investors, startup incubators, accelerators, enablers, evangelists, communities, organizations, associations, advocate groups, academia including colleges, institutions, and schools that believe innovation as a way of uplifting entrepreneurial career skills. Though we are already tied up with a few globally recognized mentoring firms, we would like to take this as an opportunity to invite global startups and business ecosystem torchbearers to join hands with us in taking the ecosystem forward.
We always believe in the benefits of a win-win situation and can jointly work out a commercial basis. We will be establishing an international facility center in one of the educational institutions in Coimbatore soon for the development of a global startup and business ecosystem.
We’re looking forward to a mutually fruitful association with global ecosystem players, big or small.
BTS Corporate Connect
We have meticulously crafted our BTS Corporate Connect Programme to facilitate connection between startups and corporations. Our objective is to identify startups that can deliver innovative business solutions to corporations in India and globally. By this, we believe, startups get the golden opportunity to execute some of the tasks outsourced by corporations and play the game to the highest level possible. These corporate connect programs with both starups and institutions combine rapidity and innovativeness with extensive resources and framework of established corporations, creating a powerful synergy that fosters growth.
We believe our corporate connect program may result in access to disruptive innovation, agility and speed-to-market, enhanced customer-centric solutions, cultural benefits & entrepreneurial mindset, and mitigating risk through collaboration.
BTS Global Corporate Facilitation Centre (BTS GCFC)
As part of our core community objective, we would like to commence BTS Global Corporate Facilitation Centre (BTS GCFC) in select institutions to link institutions and universities with corporations and global companies and education network primarily for job placement, research, skill development, and enhancement, startup entrepreneurship, problem-solving, establishing sponsored CoE (Centre of Excellence) or Incubators in specific technology disciplines, facility deployment, leadership & intrapreneurship development, knowledge & cultural exchange, talent attraction and development, international operations, forging global connect with startup, business and academic ecosystem, creating global community of global partners and collaborators, promoting advanced studies and study abroad methodologies, language training, patent facilitation, job outsourcing, leveraging CSR funds for infrastructure and talent development and many more.
We are more than excited to establish GCFCs, ably guided by our mentor and expert pool, in select colleges and institutions based on an MoU and vision, and take the partnership to play superior game at the corporate level and global playfield. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with team BTS for partnership and establishing GCFCs all over.
List of Mentors/Executives
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BTS GCFC – Current Projects
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Other Services
– New Generation Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (NEWGEN IEDC)
– Startup Incubators & Pre-Incubators in Institutions & Colleges
– Ideation Bootcamps for Startups & Businesses
– Centre for Excellence (CoE): Tech-based
– Innovation Cell/Hub
– Mentor pool for AICTE/IIC/YUKTI/MoU/IEDC Cell and KAPILA calendar events
– Mentor pool for Faculty Development Programme (FDP) in Startup Entrepreneurship
– Hosting Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Events with our Mentor & Resource Persons
– Institution Industry Cell
– Centre of Excellence for Networking, Leadership & Development
– Customized Events on Business/Entrepreneurship/Startup Themes in Institutions
– Excellence Awards for Business/Startups/Academia
– Training in Innovation, Leadership & Entrepreneurship
– Study Abroad Guidance
– Career Skill Development
– Career Counselling
– Mind Training & Mental Health Development
– CSR Funds Deployment & Association with Institutions